

Analog: paper
Digital: pc, tablet, phone


Handles millions of scanned exams per hour


Personalized advanced Statistics on the fly

Deploy exams at scale with VEEDA

Conducting surveys on the schooling system is a critical tool for continuous improvement, ensuring that educational practices and policies effectively meet the needs of all students.

Easy Deployment

Our solution ensures easy deployment, enabling you to get up and running quickly without any hassle. With user-friendly interfaces and streamlined processes, the deployment is smooth and straightforward, minimizing downtime and ensuring a swift transition. This efficiency allows your team to focus on what matters most—delivering results and driving success.

Automated Capture

Our solution features automatic capture of exams via scanning of paper exams or directly using our online exam, transforming the way educational assessments are handled. Our system swiftly and accurately digitizes all the content, ensuring no data is missed. This not only saves valuable time but also reduces the potential for human error in data entry. This automated process ultimately enhances the overall efficiency and reliability of the examination process.

Advanced Statistics

Our solution incorporates advanced statistics, offering deep insights and comprehensive analysis capabilities. Leveraging sophisticated algorithms and data modelling techniques, it provides precise and actionable metrics that drive informed decision-making. This powerful feature ensures that your organization remains at the forefront of data-driven innovation.

Our Solution in Numbers

Digital Documents handled per hour!

Analogue/Scanned Documents per day!

Assess Educational Quality
Surveys help evaluate the quality of education being provided, identifying areas where schools are performing well and areas that need improvement.

Inform Policy Decisions
Data from surveys guide policymakers in making informed decisions about educational reforms, funding allocation, and resource distribution.

Measure Student Outcomes
Surveys provide insights into student performance, including academic achievements, skills development, and overall well-being.

Identify Inequities
They highlight disparities in education access and quality among different regions, socioeconomic groups, and other demographics, enabling targeted interventions.

Track Progress Over Time
Regular surveys help track the progress of educational initiatives and reforms, assessing their effectiveness over time.

Enhance Accountability
By collecting data on various aspects of the schooling system, governments can hold schools and educators accountable for their performance.

Engage Stakeholders
Surveys can gather input from students, parents, teachers, and other stakeholders, ensuring that their perspectives are considered in the education system’s development.

Support Teacher Development
Identifying areas where teachers need more support or professional development can lead to more effective teaching practices.

Benchmark Against Standards
Surveys allow comparison with national and international standards, helping to ensure that the education system is competitive and up to date.

Promote Transparency
Making survey results publicly available promotes transparency, fostering trust and engagement from the community.

Resource Allocation
Accurate data helps in the efficient allocation of resources to where they are most needed, improving overall educational outcomes.

Crisis Management
In times of crisis, such as pandemics, surveys provide essential data to understand the impact on education and to develop appropriate responses.
